Why is staff augmentation the future?

Why Staff Augmentation is the Future, and why should you care?

Adapting to a change is a better choice than perishing to the change. That is what the changing economy is doing. New digital trends are coming into focus. Businesses look outward to solve their talent gap issues. That is why companies are turning to staff augmentation to resolve this growing talent shortage.

How does Staff Augmentation help?

Staff Augmentation can help fill the talent gaps you face. For growth, you need innovation at every step of the way. You require top staff augmentation services from a company like 99 Technologies

What is the Staff Augmentation process?

Staff Augmentation is a business practice that helps companies fill their talent shortage. It can be supplemented to all segments of the business. The main purpose of staff augmentation is that it brings resources that are critical and broadens the horizons of your in-house teams. Staff Augmentation works in 4 simple ways.

  1. The company decides it needs to bring more staff to its team
  2. Company Hires a Staff-Augmentation Provider
  3. Onboarding the Staff Augmented Resources
  4. Continuous Support and Feedback to the team

The process of hiring new resources will take its time, so if you want to get the project ready and on schedule, your only viable option is to opt for a staff-augmentation model.

What is the reason companies prefer Staff Augmentation?

The most common time is when a company decides it is time to extend its skill inventories. Staff Augmentation is perfect for companies that want to grow. By pooling resources from different locations a company can benefit a lot. Here are some common reasons why companies use Staff-Augmentation:

  1. Project Delivery
  2. Upgrading internal skill inventories
  3. Combating talent incompetence
  4. Expanding Talent
  5. Issues with hiring and training
  6. Growth
  7. Availability
  8. Execution and Initiative
  9. Budget Constraints

Staff-Augmentation is a fully innovative process of filling in your talent issues. 99 Technologies can help all business segments to solve their talent issues. We can provide you with resources that can get the job done faster than the time it takes to hire a new resource.

What are the benefits of Staff Augmentation?

From Company to company, hiring resources through staff-augmentation offers different benefits. But the most common are:


For IT and Software Companies, Scalability is critical. Adapting to the ever-changing digital market is a must for companies. Not accepting the new trends and technologies could be doom for them. By using staff augmentation, you can bring new talent fast within the company. This can boost your talent pool while bringing in specialized skills that you need to gain. Many digital companies know that they don’t have all the resources when they start operation. Their agenda is that as they progress, they will fill these gaps. But that never happens. For example, you have created a desktop version of a digital product but lack the resources for the mobile version. By hiring resources you can circumvent this issue in due time. This will diversify your products in ways you can’t imagine.


It truly is a challenge for IT and Software companies that try to fill their skill gaps. The Dynamic nature of every changing landscape is forcing resources to constantly sway to a variety of projects. This creates great challenges for recruitment. It is wise to know what you require and for how long. This helps you hire resources that are right for your projects. With Staff-Augmentation recruiters get access to experienced professionals. A quick recruitment and onboarding process can contribute greatly to job satisfaction. From a location perspective, staff-augmentation services allow companies to hire resources with strong IT backgrounds.

Reduce Cost and Improving Quality:

With Staff-Augmentation, you can recruit skills that your in-house team lacks. This helps lower costs and improves the whole quality of your team's skills and knowledge. Hiring resources from either the US or UK might seem expensive. So, your better outcome would be to hire resources that are the next best thing. If you are worried that you might be hiring complete unknowns from around the globe to your company, don’t worry. 99 Technologies offers resources and cohesive teams that can help you consolidate your values and reach the target you require.

Staying Ahead of the Curve:

As technology finds a way, innovation is found. With the digital landscape changing the spectrum every time it is wise to accept these changes. Staying competitive in these market conditions has never been this challenging in decades. Bringing in new resources can help you leverage these challenges and help you stay miles ahead of the curve. 99 Technologies Staff Augmentation services allow companies to access talent that is not only flexible but cost-efficient in every way possible.

Thinking Outside the Box:

Companies can easily get caught with their day-to-day activities which may cause companies to lose focus on their primary goals. Hiring resources through staff-augmentation can help you think outside the box and brings innovation to our process. Companies are willing to build their platform and rely less on other platforms. They do this to maximize growth. With the help of 99 Technologies Staff-Augmentation Service, you can easily do that.


99 Technologies is an end-to-end company that helps businesses fill their talent gaps. Our distinctive approach towards hiring is one of the mainstays why so many companies prefer us. Ideation and innovation go together. That is why our services are the most sought-after. Staff-Augmentation is the future. You can reach us at hello@99technologies.co or
+971 458 0 33 78.